The Ring Ouzel

A View from the North York Moors

Dette er en uvurderlig bok om en veldig viktig, men lite kjent art, ringtrosten. Boken er skrevet av to entusiastiske feltarbeidere.

kr 343

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Varenummer: 825043 Kategori:
Antall sider:288
Fotos - illustrasjoner:115 fargefoto, 35 kart, diagrammer og sonogrammer
Forlag:Whittles Publishing
Forfatter:Vic Fairbrother, Ken Hutchinson
  • The first comprehensive account of this evocative and elusive upland bird
  • An inspiring account of the joys and rewards of observing the daily behaviour of the Ring Ouzel and its place in a habitat shared with other wildlife
  • A remarkable record of twenty years’ fieldwork by two dedicated amateur ornithologists in the North York Moors
  • Reveals the impact of people on the behaviour of Ring Ouzels and in particular the bird’s ability to adapt to the rich industrial heritage of the North York Moors