Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Micro 2 – Lydopptaker for naturovervåking

Song Meter Micro 2 er avansert lytteutstyr for å registrere fuglesang og frosker. Den har innebygd mikrofon, og har veldig stor opptakskapasitet. Programmerbar via mobiltelefon. Passer godt for registrering av hubro, spetter, ugler, og andre syngende fugler.

kr 2 404

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Varenummer: 760630 Kategori:
Dimensjoner (cm): 71x35x102
Vekt (g): 281 inkl batterier/118 uten batterier

Kommuniserer med mobiltelefon via Bluetooth. Leveres uten batterier og minnekort.

Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Micro 2 er liten nok til å passe i lommen. Den har innebygd mikrofon og en sterk utside som tåler forskjellig klima. Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Micro kan en bruke på et lavbudjettprosjekt, eller sett ut mange opptakere for å få mer data for pengene.

  • Rimelig i innkjøp, og er inkludert mikrofon
  • Lettvekt, kompakt og værtett for et hvert klima
  • Endre innstillinger og sett opp opptaksplaner trådløst via Bluetooth på din mobiltelefon.
  • Sender automatisk opptaksstatus til appen via Bluetooth
  • Bruker mobilenheten til å sette dato, tid, tidssone og lokalitet
  • Kompatibel med Kaleidoscope Pro Software for å raskt scanne opptak for med hjelp til å finne arter av interresse

Hva som er nytt med Micro 2

33% lengre operasjonstid. Du får 33% lengre batterilevetid enn førstegenerasjon Micro med 4 AA alkaliske elle NiMH oppladbare batterier. Brukstid til å registrere fugler, amfibier, og annet dyreliv som vokaluberer i det hørbare området i opptil 240 timer.

Redesignet hengslet kabinett. Frigjør hendene slik at du kan fokusere på behandling uten å måtte holde styr på et separat lokk, takket være et redesignet, hengslet kabinett.

IP67 værbestandig hus. Plaser trygt i naturen med forbedret, IP67-klassifisert værbestandig hus som er bygget for å tåle selv de mest tøffe terrestriske utplasseringer og tøffe elementer.

b>Oppdatert med stativfeste. Plasseres i en rekke habitater/landskap/miljøer via stativfestet. Bruk lett tilgjengelige stativer for et mer fleksibelt oppsett.


Micro Configurator Appen virker med de fleste smarttelefoner og nettbrett som har Bluetooth og bruker enten iOS 12 eller Android 8.0 eller senere. Det eneste store unntaket en har funnet er Androidprodukter produsert av Huawei, som ikke bruker samme Bluetooth implementeringen som andre Android produsenter.


Can I connect the Song Meter Micro to an external battery?

No. The Micro does not support connections to external batteries, and must be powered via three AA batteries. Three brand-new, alkaline AA batteries will power the Micro for 200 hours of recording. If you need longer deployment times, our Song Meter Mini and Mini Bat can run on four AAs or up to six 18650 lithium-ion batteries, and our Song Meter SM4 and SM4BAT FS recorders can hold four D batteries or run on external power.

Can I copy a schedule from a Song Meter Mini or Mini Bat to a Song Meter Micro?

No. The Song Meter Mini series and the Song Meter Micro have differences in their recording settings, so their configuration files are not cross-compatible.

Can I copy a schedule from one Song Meter Micro to another?

If you have multiple Micros you can use the Song Meter Configurator app to configure a schedule and settings to be used on several Micro recorders. There are several ways to achieve this. (1) You can send the configuration file to a computer for transfer onto a microSD card, insert the microSD card into the Song Meter Micro, load the configuration from the card onto the Micro, remove the microSD card, insert it into the second Micro and repeat. (2) You can pair your mobile device to the Micros one at a time and transfer the configuration. (3) You can send the configuration file to another user via email or text and they can import it into the Song Meter Configurator app on their device for transfer to their Micros.

Can I record bats with the Song Meter Micro?

The Song Meter Micro is designed for continuous recording of frequencies up to 20 kHz, which is the upper frequency limit of human hearing. There are some bat species whose vocalizations fall within this frequency range, but most bat species cannot be recorded with the Micro. A recorder with a much higher-frequency recording range and the ability to trigger recording based on incoming ultrasound, such as a Song Meter Mini Bat or Song Meter SM4Bat FS, is much better suited for recording bats.

Can I run the same schedules on the Song Meter Micro as I do on my other Song Meter recorders?

The Song Meter Mini, Mini Bat, and Micro use a scheduling system that is very similar to the daily schedule mode on the SM4 series, but with a useful feature addition. Schedules are built from blocks that repeat daily, defined by a start time, end time, and an optional duty cycle to follow in-between. Additionally, date ranges can be defined for each schedule block, allowing you to program a schedule that changes over the course of the deployment. This can cover some of the same use cases as the SM4’s advanced scheduling mode, but some other schedules, such as every-other-day recordings, cannot be programmed in the same way.

Can I transfer recordings to my phone over Bluetooth?

The Bluetooth functionality is limited to making setting changes and checking the recorder’s status. Transferring recordings would be very slow and deplete battery life significantly. Recordings are saved to a microSD card for fast and easy transfer to a computer.

Do I need a smartphone or tablet to use the Song Meter Micro?

Without a phone or tablet connected via Bluetooth, the Micro can display very basic information about the state of its SD card and whether it is able to run its recording schedule.

For programming the recorder’s schedule and settings, updating the firmware, or checking the remaining battery life or SD card space, the Song Meter Configurator mobile app is necessary. During the deployment, a phone or tablet can be used to check the status of the Micro from up to 20 meters away.

What is the Song Meter Micro’s Bluetooth range?

The Micro can communicate with a phone or tablet over Bluetooth at an effective range of up to 20 meters/65 feet without obstructions (this varies widely across different devices and in some cases, depending on what device you are using, you may need to be much closer). The Micro does not have the ability to communicate over long-range networks like Wi-Fi or Cellular.

Opptaksteknologi Enkelkanal 16-bit PCM .wav filer.
Opptaksfrekvensområde 20Hz-48.000Hz
Samplings rate 8000, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 96000 Hz
Signal to Noise Ratio (dBA @1kHz re 1Pa) 74 dBA
Batteritid Opp til 240 timers (vanlig ved 24kHz) med 4 AA batterier
Batterialternativer 4 AA Alkaline eller ladbare NiMH batterier
Lagring 1 Micro SD-kort
Dimmensjoner Høyde:102mm, Bredde: 71mm, Depth: 35mm
Vekt 281g med batterier, 118g uten batterier
Kabinettmateriale Polykarbonat, IP-67
Værtetthet Værbestandig, anbefaler å tilsette tørkemiddel for hver utplassering for fuktighetskontroll
Garanti 1 år